Local Groups

Binghamton PPGen Action

Our local group is fighting for the freedom to control our own bodies and our futures by building local and national campaigns.
2 Members

Bard College Planned Parenthood Generation Action

PPGEN at Bard College fosters an engaging environment for student discussions on reproductive justice and sex education. We empower the community to actively participate in related initiatives, celebrating the legacy of Black women through practices of intersectionality, anti-racism, LGBTQ+ liberation, and abolition feminism.
2 Members
Karla B.
Ellen H.

Our Bodies, Our Choice

Our local group is fighting for the freedom to control our own bodies and our futures by building local and national campaigns.
2 Members
Jaseth O.

University of Alabama- Generation Action

Generation Action chapter at the University of Alabama! Open to students at the University
2 Members

Canton, New York Action Council

Our local group is fighting for the freedom to control our own bodies and our futures by building local and national campaigns.
2 Members
Brittany H.

e really IS 4 everyone

Our local group will be fighting for the freedom to control our own bodies and our futures by building local and national campaigns. We need all the help we can get.
2 Members
Jason E.

Morristown, New Jersey Action Council

Our local group is fighting for the freedom to control our own bodies and our futures by building local and national campaigns.
2 Members
Anya C.

Central Michigan University Planned Parenthood Generation Action

We are a collection of students at Central Michigan University who are fighting to control our own bodies and the future of reproductive justice, both in our campus and across the state.
2 Members

Westerly RI Action Council

Our local group is fighting for the freedom to control our own bodies and our futures by building local and national campaigns.
2 Members
Yanine C.