Local Groups

PP Advocates Pasadena & San Gabriel Valley Volunteer Rockstars

This is the volunteer organization supporting PPAPSGV's work to protect our reproductive rights locally, statewide & nationally.
13 Members
Jessie W.

Hampton Roads Health Equity Council

Our group takes action around issues of Black maternal health, builds power in communities of color, and holds elected officials accountable.
13 Members

Ohio Ballot Initiative Virtual Action Council

Our local group is fighting for the freedom to control our own bodies and our futures by putting the decision of reproductive freedom in the hands of Ohioans! Join this Action Council to learn how to take a leadership role in our citizen led ballot initiative.
13 Members
Marion C.
Alana B.

Ohioan's United for Reproductive Rights (OURR) Ballot Initiative Action Council - Greater Cincinnati

Ohioans across our state are joining this grassroots movement to protect reproductive freedom — and we need your help too. Join the Greater Cincinnati Ohioan's United for Reproductive Rights (OURR) Ballot Initiative Action Council to stay in the loop on all the upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and connect with other folx in your community!
13 Members
Taylor A.
Harshman S.

San Antonio Action Council

Our local group is fighting for the freedom to control our own bodies and our futures by building local and national campaigns.
13 Members
Carolynn E.
Tara O.

Portland, Maine Action Council

Our local group is fighting for the freedom to control our own bodies and our futures by building local and national campaigns.
13 Members

Kankakee Area Planned Parenthood Action Council

Our local group is fighting for the freedom to control our own bodies and our futures by building local and national campaigns.
13 Members
LeAnn N.

Buffalo Action Council

Our local group is fighting for the freedom to control our own bodies and our futures by building local and national campaigns. None of us are free until ALL of us are free!
13 Members
Jennifer P.

Jefferson County Reproductive Health Action Council

Our action council is focused on campaigning, advocating, and educating in the name of Planned Parenthood and protecting reproductive healthcare rights.
13 Members
Shelby M.

Northern Michigan Action Council

Our local group is fighting for the freedom to control our own bodies and our futures by building local and national campaigns.
12 Members